

The marozi or spotted lion is an Unidentified mysterious animal variously claimed by zoologists and cryptozoologists to be a distinct race of lion adapted for a montane rather than savanna-dwelling existence, a rare natural hybrid of a leopard and lion , or an adult lion that retained its childhood spots. It is believed to have been smaller than a lion but slightly larger in size than a leopard and lacking any distinguishable mane. It has been reported in the wild and the skin of a specimen exists, but it has yet to be confirmed as either a separate species or subspecies, although Reginald Pocock and Belgian cryptozoologist Dr Bernard Heuvelmans both proposed the subspecific name Panthera leo maculatus for it (but this currently lacks any valid nomenclatural status).


The Manananggal were called Penanggalan in Malay folklore is a mythical creature(Unidentified mysterious animal) of the Philippines. It resembles a Western vampire , in being an evil, human-devouring monster or witch . The myth of the manananggal is popular in the Visayan region of the Philippines , especially in the western provinces of Capiz , Iloilo , Antique . There are varying accounts of the features of a manananggal. Like vampires, Visayan folklore creatures, and aswangs , manananggals are also said to abhor garlic and salt.They were also known to avoid daggers, light, vinegar, spices and the tail of a sting ray which can be fashioned as a whip . Folklore of similar creatures can be found in the neighbouring nations of Indonesia and Malaysia .

Maltese tiger

View Images of Maltese tiger the blue fur tiger here. The Maltese tiger, also known as the Maltese tiger subspecies, is not a recognized subspecies of tiger. Tigers are native to Asia and there are six subspecies: Bengal tiger, Indochinese tiger, Malayan tiger, Siberian tiger, South China tiger, and Sumatran tiger. The Maltese tiger is not a subspecies of tiger, it is a common name that is used to describe a tiger with a distinctive white coat and black stripes. The White tiger is a genetic variant of the Bengal tiger, it is not a separate subspecies, they are extremely rare. White tigers are caused by a genetic mutation that results in a lack of pigmentation in the fur, and it occurs in about 1 in 10,000 Bengal tigers. White tigers are not found in the wild but they are bred in captivity. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and other organizations consider the breeding of white tigers to be unethical because it can lead to inbreeding and other genetic health problems.

Phaya Naga

The Phaya Naga or Naga are mythical serpent-like creatures believed by locals to live in the Laotian stretch of the Mekong river or estuaries. People in both Laos and Thailand attribute the Naga fireballs to these creatures .


Pouakai , Poukai , Hokioi , or Hakawai is a Unidentified mysterious animal bird that ate people.According to an account given to Sir George Grey , an early governor of New Zealand,  Poukai were huge black-and-white predators with a red crest and yellow-green tinged wingtips. In some Māori legends, Hokioi kill humans, which could have been possible if the name relates to the Haast's Eagle , given the massive size and strength of the bird which is believed to have hunted Moa weighing up to 300 pounds (140 kg). Such a creature could have very well killed and eaten humans, and it did not become extinct until several hundred years after the arrival of the Māori . A different theory posits that the " Poukai " legends may refer to the New Zealand Snipe – specifically, the extinct South Island subspecies


Popobawa , also Popo Bawa , is the name of an Unidentified mysterious animal, or  shetani , PopoBawa believed by residents to have first appeared on the Tanzanian island of Pemba . In 1995 Popobawa was the focus of a major outbreak of mass hysteria or panic which spread from Pemba to Unguja , the main island of the Zanzibar archipelago, and across to Dar es Salaam and other urban centres on the East African coast.


The Pogeyan is a cryptid grey big cat , a feline ; possible leopard or out-of-place Asian lion , known to local people, allegedly living in the Western Ghats , India . The name " Pogeyan " is derived from the local dialect and means "The cat that comes and goes like the mist"