
Pouakai, Poukai, Hokioi, or Hakawai is a Unidentified mysterious animal bird that ate people.According to an account given to Sir George Grey, an early governor of New Zealand,  Poukai were huge black-and-white predators with a red crest and yellow-green tinged wingtips.
In some Māori legends, Hokioi kill humans, which could have been possible if the name relates to the Haast's Eagle, given the massive size and strength of the bird which is believed to have hunted Moa weighing up to 300 pounds (140 kg). Such a creature could have very well killed and eaten humans, and it did not become extinct until several hundred years after the arrival of the Māori.
A different theory posits that the " Poukai" legends may refer to the New Zealand Snipe – specifically, the extinct South Island subspecies


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