
Tatzelwurm is a worm-like cryptid (unidentified mysterious animal). Tatzelwurm is reported to live in several areas of Europe, including the Austrian, Bavarian, Italian and Swiss Alps. In some circles, Tatzelwurm classified as a variety of lesser dragon.
Tatzelwurm known by several names in different regions.

  • Stollenworm (Hole-dwelling worm)
  • Bergstutzen (Mountain Stump)
  • Springwurm (Jumping Worm)
  • Dazzelwurm
  • Praatzelwurm
  • Arassas (French Alps).

Reports indicate that the creature has a snake-like body between 2 and 6 feet in length, with two clawed front legs, but no hind legs. It is sometimes reported to have the face of a cat. Local folklore holds that the Tatzelwurm is able to defend itself by expelling poisonous fumes that are capable of killing a human.
One claimed photograph of the Tatzelwurm exists. It was taken in 1934 by a Swiss photographer named Balkin who took a photo of what he thought was a very peculiar log. When the camera flashed, the "log" darted away.
The general description of the Tatzelwurm (apart from size) bears some resemblance to an amphisbaenian, the Mexican Mole Lizard. Some have also suggested it might be related to Heloderma


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